Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Life has been going fine recently. I had just done my oral assessment with the Australian examiner, one and the very last physics investigation and 3 weeks more, external examination!

Sometime i was wondering, what is the purpose of life?

Should i just be an ordinary accountant (probably i want to be chartered) and just do my job well everyday for the coming 35 years?
Or should i do something meaning? i should take medicine/pharmacy that you can enjoy working while serving the public?
Or i should take something challenging such as actuarial science that may drop me out during my 3 years of the uni course or i can get qualified and be a member of SOA.
Or should i just even follow the crowd (people around me) taking engineering course that leads to a probably normal but stable life compare to business?

Life is all about choices.

There are surely some reasons behind every move we take and the reasons can be a lil unreasonable to you as well as it mean a lot to me.


I cant actually believe that i said/typed out : i dont mind what result i will be getting and i will accept it with full of satisfaction because what has been done is done.

i guess i used to be too kia su and i didnt even expect this would come out from me. anyways, its good to see a change of yourself.

Today is officially my last day of chilling day! its time to work out hard tmrw! all the best ppl! :D

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